Sunday, December 25, 2011

I'm Proud to Say...

Well it has happened. I am converted... to Glee-dism. Yup. That's right. I'm a Gleek :] I was weary at first to start watching and it took me a while to catch up but I. am. HOOKED. :] 

I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!! :] I may not be able to be with my love today but soon I will :] 

I found the PERFECT MG Christmas song. Enjoy :]

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A letter for another month

So yesterday was his FIVE MONTH MARK!!! Yup!!! :] My baby has been out for five months already :] I can't believe it! One more and we have hit 6. Which is 1/4 of his mission. For some reason, the 6 month mark just seems like it will be a HUGE accomplishment. 

On Monday, my dad comes in and wakes me up and tells me I have a letter!! I was so excited :] I tore it open (no seriously I like massacred the dang thing) And let me tell you. I needed that letter. It was the best letter EVER! Oh my gosh. Every time I get a letter from that boy I am reminded of why I am waiting and why I put up with all the crap from people. He. Loves. Me. A lot. Ha :] ALMOST as much as I love him ;] (But don't tell him I said that) He is the sweetest, kindest, most talented and loving person I have ever met. (Plus a lot of other mushy romantic words that I can't think of right now). In essence, he's perfect. To me anyways. But why does anyone else matter? :]

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I've been going nuts...

I've been going nuts editing some pictures! Ha :] Found out my own way to do it so ya... :]

Thursday, December 15, 2011


A fellow MG of mine has been making these photos of girls and their missionaries. She takes a photo of the girl and a photo of the missionary and puts them in one photo! So here is mine :] I like it because my boy is such a dork :] Oh, and that is the temple in the background as well :]

Then I wanted to add my own flavor to it so I put this on there ha.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's Possible

Growing up, I always knew what missionaries were but didn't really understand them. As I got older, I heard stories of girls waiting for missionaries as they were out and some of them making it, and some of them not. Did I EVER think that I was going to be one of those girls waiting two years for some boy? NOPE. Not until I met my mish. Then I was hooked from there. 

There are so many people out there that think girls who wait for missionaries are stupid and immature. They say two years is a long time and we will grow apart. This could be true, but it also could not. For all of you out there that think I am out of my mind, do you want to know what I am waiting for? Have you ever seen those chick flicks where the couple gets together in the end and they are just so HAPPY?! You were rooting for them the whole time even though EVERYTHING and EVERYONE was against them, you knew that in the end they would make it. Well, that is me. I want to see him come home, way more spiritually high than he was (which is hard to beat) and run into those welcoming arms of his and feel safe again. I know this may not happen, but what is so wrong with a dream? Everyone has a dream. Some are more realistic than others, but still a dream none the less. 

If you are one of those people who are what we MG's like to call "waiter haters", maybe think before you say something next time. Do you have someone coming up to you and telling you that you will NEVER be happy and the one you love won't ever love you back? I have seen missionary reunions gone wrong, but I have also seen them be some of the most amazing, beautiful, happy moments. I won't know for about 585 more days if I will have one of these magical moments. But until then, this dream is all I have left to cling to. 

Someday I will get married in the temple to the love of my life, and start a family. It could be with Elder Cuddle Buns, or it could be someone who I haven't met yet. But honestly, what matters is that I am happy. What I know right now, is that when I am with my mish, I am the happiest I have ever been. I love him.

Monday, December 12, 2011

I've been slacking.... Forgive me?

So remember how I said I was going to try and post more often? Ya obviously that hasn't happened... I have been WAY busy lately. Haven't had a break for like the past 2 weeks. I have either been at rehearsal or performances. KILL ME. Ha. But thankfully, schools almost out! Yay! I am 2 finals away from freedom! :] 

Our performances this past week actually went REALLY well. I had an asthma attack right before aerial BOTH nights but thankfully didn't fall or get caught in the fabric. I'M ALIVE!! :] Now only one more performance of Christmas Tapestry tonight and no more performances until next semester. 

It has been like 3 or 4 weeks since my last letter from my mish but I know he is just busy. Which is a good thing :] Lately I have had some friends with boys coming home and it hasn't been working out. And Satan keeps trying to show me things and tell me things that will make me doubt myself in waiting. However, Heavenly Father has a good comeback ;] He keeps showing me reasons why I am waiting. Some ladies in my home ward talked about their missionaries that are out and read some of their emails. I knew both of them and they have grown SO MUCH spiritually. I can't wait to see how much better my mish will be when he gets back :] He was so strong before and I just know God is going to mold him into something even more amazing. Plus, I believe me and Elder Cuddle Buns together is something that Satan is VERY scared about and SHOULD BE! 

Also, one of the ladies read the last part of this poem. It is amazing. Here is a link to a blog I found it on.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Four down... 20 to go!

It's been four months!! This post is kinda late  because his month mark was on Sunday, but better late than never right? Haha I cannot believe how fast time is flying. When people ask me how long he has been gone and I say four month, they are like "Oh, so not that long ago." But in my mind I am like, "Whoa! He has already been gone FOUR MONTHS??!?! It seems like he just left!" Which is a good thing :] My mom just sent off my Christmas package for him like a week ago as well. (My mom did it because I didn't have time) I hope he likes it.... I put in two ties, a leather planner cover, and a bag of miniature reeses. 

I got a letter on Monday, it had been like 3 weeks since my last one. He wrote it on Halloween!! Which means it took like almost a month to get to me. WHY CANADA POSTAL SERVICE WHY?!?! Anyways, in the beginning of the letter he told me that he was sorry that he hadn't kept his promise in a while of writing me every week, so he has a surprise for me and to be prepared. I don't know whether to be excited or scared!! I have no idea what it could be because that is all he said about it! Suspense much?! It was only two pages (the shortest yet) but I loved EVERY WORD. :] 

This past week was crazy. We had this guy named Vincent Brosseau come choreograph for us. Now, this was not your regular dance. We had 7 foot poles that weigh 10 pounds each... and we kinda pole-vault-dance with them. It is called Rippling Souls. Here is the video if you want to see. This is not my group but this is like exactly what we do. The part where they jump up and hold themselves there for like 10-15 seconds, ya I do that part. 


Today is Thanksgiving, and I am gonna get to see my Grandma and Grandpa on my dad's side and my Grandma on my mom's side. (My mom's parents are divorced and we never see my Grandpa. It's been like 6 or 7 years) I am so grateful for my family and everything they do. I would not be the person today if it was not for my family and friends. I am thankful that my missionary has come into my life and am proud that he made the decision to serve a mission. I am thankful that I have him as a best friend and that someday, I will marry him. I am grateful that I have the talents that I do and can share them with others. I am thankful that the Lord has blessed me with such awesome roommates this year who are helping me get through the next 2 years and will be my friends for life. Sometimes I complain, but honestly I love my life and wouldn't trade it for anything. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Oh wow

Yes, that is me and Jess blow drying her sock!! It got caught up with some of the stuff she hangs up so I decided to dry it for her :] It was pretty epic :]

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Wonderful World of Dance

Today I had the AMAZING opportunity to attend a concert by the Ririe - Woodberry Company. They were AWESOME! Wow the way they moved and the positive and negative space was very interesting. They have some amazing dancers and they are so strong! 

One thing that I liked is that they included the audience in their performance. VERY COOL! haha :] If you have not seen them I highly recommend it :]

Also for those of you in Utah, the Myan in like the Orem-Sandy area CLOSED!!! I am so SAD!!! Last year I had the amazing opportunity of performing Aerial dance there. We were going to go do it again, but now we can't because they have closed. *Sigh* Guess we will have to find some other dream ;] 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's Me Again

I have decided that I am going to try and post more often! It helps me vent a bit and get things off of my mind (usually I would tell my boy but he is not here so I guess a blog will do).

Today has been a crazy but pretty good day. It snowed!! I am not a fan of snow :/ sorry for those of you who are. But it is wet, cold, and if it snows it means that it is to cold to rain! STUPID! 

Well, me and my roommate jess have been EXTREMELY hyper tonight! Holy crap ha. We have been laughing non stop and even drew my mish a picture on paint ;] One of my other roommates was doing one of those "relaxing" music thingys. You know the ones that say "nothing matters. Just relax.... Now you are in a field.." blah blah blah. (ya know, the ones that don't really work) Anyways, me and jess go into the living room and 3 of my roommates just start getting mad because we are being to loud. SERIOUSLY?! Do you know how many times in the morning while I was SLEEPING you guys were SCREAMING YOUR HEADS OFF?! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If you want me to be quiet while you are "relaxing", you better freakin be quiet when I am. UGH! It frustrates me. If my boy were here, he would know exactly what to say to me. He always had this way about him that he knew the perfect thing that would make me feel better... The next 21 months better go by FAST. 

On a good note, I got my temple recommend so that I can do baptisms on Thursday. SUPER EXCITED! :]

Monday, October 31, 2011

Weekly Letters and RM Applications

For about two months now I have been sending my missionary weekly letters. Well, now I am starting to get them! Yay! Usually I have to wait like at least a month to get another letter. It has been a week since his last one and I just got one today! I like this idea of getting a letter every Monday :] 

In his letter, there was an "application to date an RM". It is seriously one of the funniest things I have read in my life! 

For a while now I have been signing my letters with his last name :] He finally started addressing me like that in his letters! It just feels right :]

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

7 weeks of waiting = PICTURES!!

So I FINALLY got a letter from my mish after what felt like an ETERNITY!!! BUT! It came with a lot of love, 8 pages front and back, and 18 PICTURES! AHHH!!!! This is the first time I have gotten pictures from him and I was so excited! (if you can't tell). I will try and put the pictures up as soon as I can but it might be a while ha.

He is doing great and has a new companion. His companion has a girl in waiting as well so they have a lot to talk about! ;] He also told me the song he is writing me is almost finished! I told him he better not forget it cuz I want to hear it when he gets back haha

I am so in love with that boy and only have 21 more months till I can see him again! <3

Now I am going to vent a bit... I hate it when people tell me I could be a distraction to him and that I'm wasting my time waiting (and so many other things MG's get). Ok 1 you do NOT know the relationship me and my mish have because you are not us 2 you are NOT with him and do NOT know exactly what he is thinking and 3 IT'S NONE OF YOUR DANG BUSINESS!! If I am being a distraction to him, it is up to HIM to tell me! Not YOU!! Yes I know there is a POSSIBILITY that I could be distracting  him and that he won't want me to wait. But do I believe that that possibility is REALITY?! NO. I can tell in his letters that he is doing great and that my letters help him. I can also tell that he still loves me and might even be MORE in love with me! So do me a favor, next time you want to tell me to stop writing him as much or to quit because I won't make it anyways, JUST SHUT UP AND KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

3 Month Mark

Wow it has been a long time since I have posted. And unfortunately this probably isn't going to be the longest post ever. 

Well, another month has gone by! Only 21 more till I get to see the love of my life again and have my best friend back! It has been over a month since I have heard from him, which is probably why I have not posted in so long. I haven't checked the mail since Wednesday because it is fall break so I am stuck at my parents house. I love my parents don't get me wrong, but I hate the town they live in. And yes that is where I grew up. But believe me, I hated it then too.

I really think the Lord is trying to teach me some patience because I am going crazy! Every week I think "OK. It should be coming. It has been enough time" but nope. Hasn't happened yet. But thankfully that means that when it finally does come that it will be that much sweeter :] 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Talking by the Spirit

In conference this past weekend, there was a talk that someone gave (forgive me I can't remember who and am to lazy to find my notes) that said that we need to talk BY the Spirit. Well, I believe that I have had that experience lately. 

After FHE tonight, there was a guy that stayed and started asking my roommate questions. I was listening in and he was asking some deep questions. My roommate was kinda stumped... So I kinda felt inspired to cut in. He stayed and talked with me for like an hour or so. One of the things he said was that he became inactive because some of the LDS members are to judgmental and pushy. Now, he is now the first person to tell me this. My brother has said it and my roommate (not the same one he was talking with) have both told me. I would like to share with all of you what I have told them:

You should not be a member of the church because you like the people who are there. Yes, it is a bonus if you do but they shouldn't be the reason you are going and they DEFINITELY shouldn't keep you from going. Also, you do not know anyone else's circumstances. They could be going through hard trials, or maybe they themselves need to work on the things they are accusing you of so they see it in other people more prominently. Whatever the case may be, the gospel is still true. It never changes. The lessons you learn and the feelings you get won't change because a certain person was there. If you do not like to be judge by people, don't listen. And do not judge them because no one is perfect. Yes, there will be sometimes when someone is teaching a lesson and it seems like they should be listening instead of teaching. But, maybe that is why they are teaching. All of the time I hear teachers say that they get more out of the lesson than their students do or they say that the lesson was made for them because they are personally struggling with that certain thing. 

I guess what I am trying to say is that the gospel is true, no matter where and no matter who. If you love the church and know it is true, nothing should keep you from your eternal happiness. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Rave Weirdness!

My roommates and I are total weirdos! We put our hair all crazy and what not and then wanted to go knock on people's doors and party then leave. Ha :] Anyways... Here are a ton of crazy pics we took. Enjoy :]

Attempt One at a star = not to bad

Attempt two at a star = sucky

Attempt three at a star = better

Attempt four = AWESOME! :]

Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Wonderful Life :]

A LOT has happened lately that I haven't even had time to write it all down! Holy cow. Where to start. So my roommate ri ri likes to do funny stuff when she is asleep. Last year she fell asleep with a volleyball around a lamp and another time on a dryer. ya... Well she fell asleep so me and my other roommates decided to start drawing on her with a sharpie... We got a pretty good start but then she moved her ankle to a position where we couldn't get to it anymore. So we drew a smiley on her arm :] And then I started playing tug of war with her sock

And then we could get to her ankle again so we finished her tattoo :] I didn't get the full image but I got the first. 

We are also really weird so we were in our school bookstore the other day and took some pictures...

I do what is called aerial. It's really cool, look it up. Ha anyways I had 10 hours of dance on Thursday and had aerial very very last. I wore my arms out so much that I couldn't feel them! It was scary! But we iced them and got me a blessing and they are better now :]

Also, yesterday I went up north with my family and got a new laptop! It was epic. Anyways for lunch we had sushi :] 

It's kinda a tradition in our family to take pictures of our sushi and send it to the family members who couldn't come and basically say "haha you can't have this" :] It's funny when you are the one eating it, it's cruel when you are the one who can't be there. Ha :]

Also, I got to meet some really nice MG's! We got together and went to the Relief Society broadcast then made a craft! They are amazing girls and are so nice! :] I am so thankful to have such good support for the next 2 years :]

Monday, September 12, 2011

Eight pages and worth the wait

A LOT has gone on since I have posted last! (hence the not posting in a while) Anyways, I finally got a letter from Elder Cuddle Buns from the field!!! YAY!!! :] It took about 4 weeks to get one but it was SO worth it! It as eight pages front and back plus one that was just the front ha :] That would be 17 pages! Ya, our competition is getting to be LONG! But it's ok because I matched his so we are good :]

He is doing amazing and loves the country! :] He says it is so pretty and the members feed them A TON! :] ha There was SO much information that I couldn't possibly put it all in this post :] They already have baptisms lined up (which probably happened already cuz the postal service SUCKS). He can't believe how fast time is going by. We are already almost 2 months along! (It will be past that by the time he gets my letter) Soon he will be back and can tell me he loves me a million times (like he does in his letters) to my face.

I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! :] He is my bestfriend and my future husband. <3

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Roommate Pictures!

Ok so I love to photo edit things and we got our roommate pictures so I had to play around :]